• Design Patterns - Adapter

    Adapter is a design pattern with the purpose of - as the name suggests - adapt one context to another, allowing two incompatible interfaces to be connected. The main benefit of applying this pattern is to allow switching from an existing interface to another without changing the original behavior of...

  • Design Patterns - Prototype

    Following our series of design patterns, the second one that we will revisit is Prototype! This pattern aims to have a “blueprint” to generate instances. This is very handy in situations where exists multiple objects with different properties, it is expensive to create new resources and when we want to...

  • Improving asynchronous communication at work

    Working remotely can impose a few unexpected challenges. When in need of help in an environment where everyone is physically sharing the same space, we can just lean to a colleague in a coffee break and ask for help, pointing frantically to the screen while explaining what we were doing...

  • Design Patterns - Factory

    Today we are going to take a close look at Factory Design Pattern. Imagine that you have a requirement to build an application feature that sends a message specified by a user through different delivery methods. For example, they can send their message using SMS, push notification to a mobile...

  • Opengram - A web, open source album manager

    The Dilemma In the last few years, I’ve been trying to do a “social network detox”. Even before the pandemics, I tried to distance myself of social networks because it wasn’t fun anymore. The algorithms that came promising to improve the quality time of any app create bubbles impossible to...